WaveWare API-64 Alarm Monitoring User Manual
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The Alphanumeric Paging Interface allows for expansion from 64 inputs to 1024. The number of inputs is
expanded by the addition of expansion modules (API-64EM). Each Module adds 64 points to the system.
The modules are daisy-chained to the API-64 via an RS-485 connection. Up to 15 Expansion Modules may
be added to each API-64 . Programming for all of the points in the network is done via the master API-64.
The preprogrammed alarm message(s) for each input may be designated to be sent to a specific pager ID
number. The messages for each point can be sent to specific users or groups of users who are designated to
receive the information. Selected individuals or user groups within a facility or organization may receive
detailed notification of conditions which apply to them specifically. The Alarm Paging Interface can be
connected to multiple input sources and can vector information from each source to the required
Each individual input may be designated a level of priority ranging from A to J. Messages with higher level
priorities (A) are processed and paged before lower level priority (J) messages. Messages that are assigned
equal priority levels are processed and paged on a first in first out basis.
Each input can be programmed for escalation paging if required. Escalation paging allows a given message
to be sent to a secondary and/or a tertiary pager ID# if the alarm condition persists for a pre-defined period
of time. The time between escalations is user definable and can be from one to thirty minutes. Escalation
applies to alarm conditions only. Alarm conditions are defined as a change in the status of an input from its
normal position (normally opened or normally closed) to "Active" or "Pulse".
The Alphanumeric Paging Interface stores the last 1,000 paged messages in a log file. This log file may be
printed via a parallel printer attached to the printer port. The log file can be viewed or printed for any user
specified time period.
The Alphanumeric Paging Interface has a built in real-time clock. The clock uses 24 hour format and
contains an internal battery to maintain accurate system time in case of power loss.
The Alphanumeric Paging Interface can be programmed to allow for shift scheduling. Messages can be sent
to specific pagers during specific periods of time. The alarm message for a given input may be sent to one
pager ID# if there is a change in status during the day shift and to another pager ID# if there is a change in
status during the night shift. Escalation for each shift is user programmable.
Connection to the paging system is made via one direct RS-232 connection. The Alphanumeric Paging
Interface delivers a message via direct connection to an available serial port. The paging terminal provides
information back to API-64 indicating acceptance or rejection of the message. If a message is rejected the
Alphanumeric Paging Interface immediately resends the message to the terminal and redelivers the
message (until the message is accepted by the paging terminal).
Connection to the paging system is made via telephone lines (requires API-64RM, Remote Dial Module).
The Remote Dial Module is connected via RS-232 to the Alphanumeric Paging Interface. API-64RM
connects with the paging terminal via telephone lines and delivers a message via an IXO port. The paging
terminal provides information back to the Remote Dial Module indicating acceptance or rejection of the
message. If a message is rejected the API-64RM immediately redials the terminal and redelivers the
message (up to 5 attempts).