Appendix “a – Pinnacle Systems SS User Manual
Page 31

Appendix “A”
Diagnostics & Troubleshooting
Model SS Safety Light Curtain
- C - 1 -
Flashing LED(s) indicate a fault has occurred. To
fi nd the fault you must count the number of fl ashes.
If multiple faults have occurred, the lowest number
fl ashed fi rst, followed by the next higher number, after
the last fault is fl ashed the cycle starts over again.
NOTE: The “Remote Status Display” will show the
actual fault message instead of fl ashing LEDs.
Yellow LED is ON steady on
Emitter pylon. Red LED fl ashes
The CAN data lines (white &
green wires) from both RX and TX
pylons are not connected together.
The SS guard has gone into bottom beam syn-
cronization mode where the RX and TX pylons
donot need to by wired together.
No output on 1 or both of the
Safety Outputs (blue and/or brown
wires) are not reading 24vdc when
the guard is GREEN.
Check RX pylon wiring. Check
RX pylon internal fuse. Allow unit
to cool down, remove Outputs