Operating instructions – American Sanders B-2+ Edger User Manual

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American Sanders

Operator's Manual (CE) - American B-2


To operate the machine, follow this procedure:

1. Set any exposed nails with a hammer and punch to

avoid encounter with sanding pad.

2. Connect the machine to an appropriately grounded

and fused circuit (power supply).

3. Tilt the machine back so that the sanding pad does

not contact the floor. Select cutting speed. Use high

speed for fast stock removal. Use low speed for fin-

ish cuts and custom work. See

figure 4 (A).

4. Depress and release the start/stop push button to

start the machine. See figure 4 (B).

5. Gradually lower sanding pad to the floor. Make sure

the machine is in motion while the sanding pad is

engaged with the floor. Broad circular motions can be

used as you sand along the length of the floor or you

may use a combination of forward and sideway mo-

tions. In time you will develop your own technique to

optimize coverage and dust control. It is advisable to

not add effort to the pad as this may lead to "nosing"

or "tipping" which produces grooves or lines on the


6. When replacing abrasive; emptying the contents of

the dust bag; or the sanding operation is completed,

return the machine to the reclined position and flip the

control switch to the off (O) position. Disconnect the

machine from the power supply.

7. Empty dust bag whenever it becomes 1/3 full.

DANGER: Failure to disconnect the supply cable

from machine whenever servicing, replac-

ing abrasive, or emptying the dust bag

could result in electrocution or severe

injury. Never leave machine unattended

while the supply cable is connected.

DANGER: Never leave dust bag unattended with

sanding dust in it. Sanding dust can

spontaneously ignite and cause a fire or

explosion. Empty dust bag into a metal

container, clear of any combustibles. Do

not empty content into a fire. Do not over-

fill dust bag.

Figure 4