Never put your hand over the muzzle of a gun, Never run with a loaded gun – Uberti 1874 Sharps Rifle User Manual
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Keep firearms unloaded when not actually in use. Load the gun only when on the range preparing to fire and
unload it before leaving the range.
Never put your hand over the muzzle of a gun.
ALWAYS WEAR protective shooting glasses and hearing protection when using firearms.
Spectators should be at least 5 ft behind and away from the shooter while the shooter is loading, shooting and
unloading. Spectators should wear eye and ear protection and avoid distracting those shooting their firearms.
NEVER drop your gun. If you do drop it, unload it and check it for proper function before using it again.
alter or modify your gun. Don’t try to change your gun’s trigger pull, because it may affect sear
engagement and thereby cause accidental firing.
DO NOT remove any internal safety or safety device on the firearm. Safety mechanisms are designed to help
protect you from personal injury or death.
Properly maintain and keep your gun clean. Keep it in a dry place away from other metals and water. If your
gun shows sign of corrosion or improper operation, have it serviced by a qualified gunsmith. Keep the muzzle
pointed in a safe direction when loading and unloading your gun. Never point the muzzle at anyone.
If a gun fails to fire when the trigger is pulled, keep it pointed down range at the target for 60 seconds.
Sometimes slow pri
mer ignition will cause a “hang fire” and the cartridge will go off after a short pause. If it still
fails to fire, keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction and avoid exposure to the breech, as you attempt to
unload your firearm.
NEVER let water, snow, mud or other material enter the barrel. Always be sure the barrel is free of any
Use the correct ammunition for your firearm. (See Ammunition Warning).
Teach children: 1. NOT to touch guns, bullets, cartridges, shells, flares or any explosive device and 2. That if
they discover such a dangerous item or weapon, they must immediately report its location to their parents,
school teacher or police.
Remember a firearm has the capability of taking your life or the life of someone else. Be careful with your
firearm - an accident is almost always the result of not following basic safety rules.
If you are carrying a loaded gun in the field, never follow a companion.
NEVER cross obstacles such as fences or streams with a loaded gun.
NEVER run with a loaded gun.
DO NOT smoke while handling, loading or shooting any ammunition, especially black powder. Keep black
powder in a closed container at all times, closing again the container after each and every use.
USED FIREARMS - Firearms are sometimes altered to work incorrectly, or parts may be removed, lost or
replaced with incorrect parts. If you got your firearm as a used gun, BEFORE USING IT you should take it to a
good gunsmith who knows DAVIDE PEDERSOLI firearms, and have him examine it.
WRITE DAVIDE PEDERSOLI & C. concerning any items or circumstances that you do not understand
and which might relate to your safety and the operation of your firearm at:
DAVIDE PEDERSOLI & C. Via Artigiani,57
– 25063 Gardone VT (Brescia) Italy