Ntp service, Disable user account control (uac), Logging in for the first time – Interlogix TruVision Navigator 5.0 Quick Start User Manual

Page 2: Adding a single device, Logging in for the first time 2

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TruVision Navigator 5.0 Quick Start Guide

Note: Refer to TruVision Navigator v5.0 User Manual to see
instructions on for installations on Windows 8 Operating

NTP Service

TruVision Navigator packages a Network Time Protocol (NTP)

Service with it for devices on the network (you also have the

flexibility to use other 3rd party NTP Services should you


Enable the NTP Service in TruVision Navigator by:

1. Start – All Programs – UTC Fire & Security - TruVision

Navigator – Enable NTP Service. This will enable the
NTP Service on the TruVision Navigator Server.

2. You will need to configure the device’s NTP Server field

with the IP Address of the TruVision Navigator Server
machine where this NTP Service is running.

Disable User Account Control (UAC)

Microsoft implemented User Account Control (UAC) in

Windows Vista and Windows 7 to help prevent unauthorized

changes to your computer. It works by prompting you for

permission when a task requires administrative rights, such as

installing software or changing settings that affect other users.

When UAC is enabled on the PC with TruVision Navigator, you

will experience issues with video rendering and general

operation of the application. As a result, you will need to

disable UAC on the PC where the application is located. You

must have Admin rights on the PC to disable UAC. If you do

not have Admin rights, contact your local Administrator to

disable it for you.

To disable UAC for Windows Vista:

1. Open up Control Panel, and type in “UAC” into the search

box. You’ll see a link for “Turn User Account Control
(UAC) on or off”.

2. On the next screen you should uncheck the box for “Use

User Account Control (UAC)”, and then click on the OK

3. Reboot your computer for the changes take effect.

To disable UAC for Windows 7:

1. Type UAC into the Start Menu or Control Panel search

box and then click on Change User Account Control

2. Drag the slider down to Never Notify and UAC will be


Logging in for the first time

Launch TruVision Navigator using one of the following


Double-clicking on the TruVision Navigator icon on your


Start – All Programs – UTC Fire & Security - TruVision


When TruVision Navigator launches, a login window displays.

Log in as the default Administrator with:

• Username



• Password



Once logged in, you will be prompted to change the password.

This protects the security of the default Administrator’s


Adding a single device

Upon successful login, add a single device to the Navigator by

doing the following:

1. Click the Add Device button in the Navigator. Select one of

the two options: Add Manually, or, Add via Discovery Tool.

2. If Add via Discovery Tool option is selected, then select

one or multiple devices from the discovered devices list,
and click Add button.

Note: Discovery Tool will attempt to add devices by using
their default credentials. If credentials of a device are
previously changed from default values, device is still
going to be added to the device tree, but will be shown as
offline. In this case, updated credentials need to be
applied manually by user from the device properties or
configuration menu with a right click on the device.

If Add Manually option is selected, select the
appropriate Device Type from the drop-down menu
in Add Device window and follow below instructions.

3. Enter a Device Title. Values are alphanumeric.

4. Enter the device's static IP Address. You can also add a

device using a Domain Name System (DNS) name.
Simply place the DNS name in the IP Address field on the

5. Enter the device's listen Port. This field is pre-populated

with a default value based upon the type of device you
selected. If you changed this port on the device, add that
specific port in this field.

6. Based on your device type, you may need to select a

Streaming Type. For some devices, there is only one
option for the Streaming Type so it is selected by default.

7. Enter the Username and Password. This field is only

required if the device being added has been configured to
require a username and password.

8. Click OK. Note: After you click OK, fields highlighted with

a red exclamation point indicate rejected values. Place
your mouse pointer over the exclamation points for tips on
why your values were invalid. All fields must be valid to
successfully add a device.

9. Your device should appear under the Device node in the

Navigator. Expand the device icon to view your cameras.


You may see an error message stating that your