Intek 200 User Manual
Page 10

I : \ O F F I C E \ W P M A N U A L \ M a n 2 0 0 r v b . w p d
Figure 2 - Transmitter Terminal Connections
Check the analog output configuration of the transmitter and your input device. The analog
output terminals for flow and probe temperature are shown in Figure 2 at the far left terminals
of JP7. If the instrument is configured for current outputs, set the flow and temperature output
type for either passive or active transmitter by positioning the header pin shunts shown in Figure
1 at JP12 and JP13. (Active: Current to loop is sourced by transmitter. Passive: Output receiver
sources current.) This figure shows an active configuration for the flow output and a passive
configuration for the temperature output. Typically, units are shipped configured in the active
mode, unless the voltage output option is specified.
The next JP7 output is a 2KHz full scale pulse output. The standard configuration is a 0-15Vdc
pulse that is proportional to flow with a 50% duty cycle. Unless otherwise specified, the minimum
pulse duration is 250 :s .
The two possible configurations are:
Voltage pulse (standard) — This option uses the same circuit and connections as the open
collector. A 1kS pull-up resistor is added and tied to a +15V voltage source. This provides
the 0-15 Vdc pulse.
Open collector (optional) — The (+) connection on the output terminal is the collector of a
2N2222A NPN transistor. The (!) connection is the emitter of the same transistor. The pulse
rate is linear with flow. Recommended maximum current is 150 mA; maximum open circuit
voltage is +36Vdc.
. WARNING: Do not reverse the terminal polarity when connecting to an
external supply.
Outputs ‘OUT1’ and ‘OUT2’ are 0-15Vdc digital outputs factory default set as low flow and
high temperature indicators respectively. OUT1 is factory set to alarm at flows below the
lowest calibrated flow. OUT2 is set to alarm at temperatures above the rated maximum
temperatures. The alarm state of these outputs is 0Vdc, which also occurs when power to the
instrument is lost.