AquaCraft VS1 User Manual

Page 17

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The propeller is probably the most important aspect of how
fast your boat goes and or how well it handles. A poor handing,
slow boat can become an instant winner just by using the
right propeller. As a rule of thumb, non-lifting propellers are
best suited for your tunnel hull. Some lifting propellers can
work but typically need to be “re-worked” to make work well
on a Tunnel Hull. For the best overall performance stick with
a low lift propeller like the AquaCraft GrimRacer 40x53 or
AquaCraft GrimRacer 40x52/3. Testing your propeller is best
done with a stop watch. The most important reading is the
time the boat takes to go from buoy one (1) to buoy three
(3) IMPBA and buoys one (1) through fi ve (5) NAMBA. The
second most important time to capture is overall lap speed.
Your boat may sound or look faster with a prop change
but don’t let that fool you. Course timing is the best way to
determine what if any changes your prop change as made.

Rudder Defl ection: Your VS1 needs very little rudder
defl ection to make it around a corner. Obviously your boat will
turn tighter with more rudder defection but the truth is this can
upset the boat in the corners. It is best to have just enough
rudder defl ection to make a nice sweeping corner PLUS just
a tad tighter. To set the amount of rudder defl ection, run your
boat on the race course at half throttle. Adjust the steering
dual rate until the boat makes a nice sweeping corner a few
feet off the buoys. Next: Run the boat at top speed (remember
to lift off the throttle just a little going into the corner) and
drive the course. Add in more dual rate until the boat runs
the course smooth and fast. Give a few more clicks on the
dual rate adjustment. The extra movement might be needed
to get you out of danger in the middle of a race.

Motor Height:

.200" Center of the prop shaft to
the bottom of the sponsons

Propeller Thrust Angle: .5°


Hinge Pin Angle:

Parallel to the transom

C.G. Range:

7.5" (27%) to 8.6" (31%) from
the back of the sponsons

Prop: 40x52/3


Rudder Defl ection:

1-3/4" left – 1-3/4" right





Your VS1 makes a fantastic Sport Class racing boat. The
VS1 was designed ultra light to take full advantage of low
power stock style motors. The VS1 is fully capable of wining
races against boats with a lot more power.

Grimracer says, “Don’t just drive your VS1 around, drive
your VS1 around something!”
To reach the full potential
this boat has to offer, you need to get it on the water running
around the race course. Running your boat on the race
course allows you to build depth perception as well as get to
know the needs of the boat.

The VS1 responds best if you drive it as if you were driving
a car or any other type of wheeled vehicle. Your lap times
will go down if you lift off the throttle and set the boat as you
enter the corner and accelerate out. Driving “white knuckled”
you will likely not be paying attention to your entry point,
losing valuable seconds off your lap time.

If the pond you test at has an elevated driver’s platform,
make sure you stand on it even during testing. Also stand
in multiple locations. This way if you do not get your favorite
spot on race day you will not be surprised by what you
experience. It is also good to take a quick look at the water
and race course before you launch the boat for your heat. If
you see a buoy out of place or an obstacle in the water it’s
best to identify it before you launch the boat.

Starting and launching the boat later in clock time is far
better than starting and launching at the beginning. If your
clock time is 2:30 like most, be warned, if you go out early
you are adding to the seconds your boat can get into trouble.
During the race it’s best to be on the water ONLY as long as
you need to be.

Also have your caller show you the back of the boat before
he or she launches it. Move your rudder back and forth and
make SURE it is working before the boat is launched.

The VS1 was designed for the use of “stock” or “sport”
outboard motors. The ultra light weight of the VS1 and long
fl at section on the sponson bottoms take full advantage of
the lower power stock motors have. We do not recommend
the use of a modifi ed (piped engine) on this hull.