AquaCraft SuperVee 27 User Manual
Page 6

Trim Plates: The trim plates are used to help control the ride
of the hull. If the boat is hopping, you can bend down the
trim plates. If it looks like the boat is running wet, you can
bend the trim plates up a small amount.
When finished running, remove the hatch and open the radio
box by unsnapping the side latches. Let the cover sit on the
side of the boat and wipe away water that might have
collected in the radio box compartment. It is best to leave the
radio box cover and hatch cover off the boat overnight to
allow any water that might enter to evaporate.
After running, the exterior of the hull should be cleaned.
Common household cleaners can be utilized for cleaning. It
is also a good idea to use a 100% cotton towel to wipe down
the boat. 100% cotton towels will not scratch the paint on
your new boat.
When you are through running your SuperVee 27 for the day
it’s a good idea to grease the drive cable. Do so by unhooking
the motor connectors and water lines from the motor and
rudder. Unhooking the steering ball link and unscrew it from
the steering rod.
Using a 2.5mm allen wrench to carefully unscrew the radio
box and slide it forward to remove.
Remove the drive cable by loosening the cable coupler with
a set of 10mm and 12mm wrenches. Slide the cable out and
wipe any remaining grease and water from the cable. Set this
aside to dry. This is also a good time to place a few drops of
light oil on the motor shaft bearings. If the motor was dunked
it is also best to remove the motor and blow out any
remaining water. Grease (AQUB9500) the drive cable and
install it back in the boat.