Acronova NB12 Series User Manual
Page 21
Version 1.3
Operation Manual, Nimbie NB12
© 2011, Acronova Technology, Inc.
Erase a Stack of Rewritable Discs
This operation erases a stack of rewritable discs for future use:
1) Load the rewritable discs you would like to erase into
the disc loader.
2) Press the Test/Abort button to start. Nimbie will erase
discs until the disc loader is empty.
Verify a Stack of Discs
This operation verifies a stack of duplicate discs against a master disc.
Follow the steps below to start the verification process:
1) Load the master disc and the discs you would
like to verify.
2) Press the Function Key which will light up its
LED. Press the Test/Abort button to start.