Blank edocuments cause export to fail, Upper ascii character limitations for folder names, Login method affects login and export behavior – Kofax Export Connector 8.0.0 User Manual
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Release Notes
Kofax Export Connector 8.0.0 for IBM FileNet Image Services Release Notes
Blank eDocuments Cause Export to Fail
The export process fails if it includes eDocuments that are blank, and the following error
appears (112587):
Error in document #1, 0 Commit new document failed.
Workaround: Before exporting eDocuments, verify that they are not blank.
Unable to Switch Library Without Closing Administration Module
If you attempt to change the IBM FileNet Image Services library for the export connector
without closing the current instance of the Kofax Capture Administration module, the
module stops working. (112679)
Workaround: Before changing the IBM FileNet Image Services library, close and restart the
Administration module.
Upper ASCII Character Limitations for Folder Names
Due to an IBM FileNet Image Services limitation, you cannot create a folder name that
includes a character followed by any of the following upper ASCII characters (112552):
▪ € (ASCII 128)
▪ μ (ASCII 181)
▪ ß (ASCII 223)
▪ Ÿ (ASCII 159)
▪ ÿ (ASCII 255)
For example, if you attempt to create a folder with the name Louÿs, the export fails with the
following error message:
The User Sys Admin does not have permission to file documents into the
FileNet folder Louÿs. The folder / Louÿs is a new folder that has not been
saved. You must save the folder before performing this operation.
You can include upper ASCII characters in a folder name only under the following
▪ The upper ASCII character is the only character in the string.
▪ The upper ASCII character is the first character in the string.
Note When upper ASCII characters are used for document attributes, these limitations do not
Login Method Affects Login and Export Behavior
The export connector logs in to IBM FileNet Image Services using the server login. This login
method impacts the following:
▪ The FileNet IDM Desktop client cannot be run on the same workstation as Kofax Export
Connector for IBM FileNet Image Services.
▪ Blank passwords are not supported.
▪ If login fails during export, all documents in the batch fail with the following message:
Unable to log in; invalid user name or password.