Kofax Capture User Manual
Page 10

Kofax Capture
Kofax Product Support for Kofax Reporting
Batch class actions
▪ Kofax Capture does not record any “version_info” for any batch class action
▪ Kofax Capture records the imported batch class name for imported batch classes
▪ Kofax Capture records an “add document class” action when:
▪ A document class is inserted into a batch class
▪ A new document class is created from the context of the batch class
▪ Kofax Capture records a “remove document class” action when:
▪ A document class is removed from a batch class
▪ A document class is deleted that is associated with a batch class. In this case, the
“remove document class” action is recorded once for each associated batch class.
▪ Kofax Capture records an add folder class action when:
▪ A folder class is inserted into a batch class
▪ A new folder class is created from the context of the batch class
▪ Kofax Capture records a “remove folder class” action when:
▪ A folder class is removed from a batch class
▪ A folder class is deleted that is associated with a batch class. In this case, the “remove
folder class” action is recorded once for each associated batch class.
▪ Kofax Capture records a “select KTM menu” action when a KTM admin panel menu item
is invoked.
▪ Kofax Capture records the add/remove queue/workflow agent actions when the Add or
Remove buttons are clicked on the corresponding batch class properties page. The Queue/
Workflow agent listed in parameter2 is the module unique ID.
User actions
▪ Kofax Capture records the user or group create action both when creating a new user or
group and when linking an Active Directory user or group
▪ Kofax Capture records the imported user/group name for imported user profiles
▪ Kofax Capture records changes to the “Allow Administration module access” user profile
check box as the “enable/disable admin access” action
▪ Kofax Capture records changes to the “Allow admin utility usage” user profile check box
as the “enable/disable admin utility usage” action
▪ Kofax Capture records the “add/remove assigned modules” action when the “Add” or
"Remove" buttons are clicked in the Profile Properties Assigned Modules page
▪ Kofax Capture records the “add/remove assigned classes” action when the “Add” or
“Remove” buttons are clicked in either the Profile Properties Assigned Modules page or in
the Assigned Profiles window.
Customization administration
▪ Kofax Capture records the export connector add or remove action when:
▪ The add or remove event is completed in the Export Connector Manager window in the
Administration module