Lfo amount, Rate and host sync, Phase – Audio Damage Filterstation User Manual

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LFO Amount

Each filter has its own LFO AMOUNT control, which sets how much the LFO changes the
filter‘s frequency. These controls have a range of -100 to +100. Larger values, either

positive or negative, have a greater effect on the filter. If you set the LFO AMOUNT control
to a positive value, the LFO will increase the filter‘s frequency. (For low-pass filters, this is
usually called ―opening‖ the filter, since it allows more harmonic content to pass through.)

If you set the LFO AMOUNT to a negative value, the LFO will decrease the filter‘s frequency. Although
Filterstation has only one LFO which is shared by the two filters, you can set their LFO amounts to opposite
polarities and cause the filters to move in different directions.

Rate and Host Sync

The RATE control determines how fast Filterstation‘s low-frequency oscillators change
the levels of the two audio channels, and thus the speed of the panning or tremolo

effect. The RATE control operates either in time units—the number of cycles per

second—or in metrical units, depending on the setting of the SYNC switch. If the SYNC

switch is off, Filterstation‘s LFOs run at whatever rate you set with the RATE control. In
this mode, the LFOs can run as slowly as 0.01Hz (one cycle every 100 seconds) to 100Hz.

If the SYNC switch is on, Filterstation‘s LFOs synchronize to the tempo and position of your host DAW‘s

transport. The RATE control operates in metrical units, expressed as fractions of a measure. For instance, if

the RATE control is set to 1/4, the LFOs will complete four cycles every measure. The
RATE control has a range of 1/32 to 2/1 (one cycle every two measures). Dotted and
triplet values are indicated with a . and T respectively.


The PHASE control sets the starting position of the LFO‘s wave form, i.e. its phase, when it
begins a cycle at the beginning of a measure. Phase is expressed in degrees and ranges from 0

to 360. The exact effect of the PHASE control varies depending on which LFO SHAPE you‘re
using. If SYNC if off, the PHASE control has no audible effect.