Losi LOSB9606 User Manual

Page 15

background image

L iF e
V.T ype

3.3 V

L iF e
V.T ype

3.3 V

L i F e

V . T y p e 3 . 3 V

L i P o / L i l o / L i F e

C H K T i m e 1 0 m i n

N i M H S e n s i t i v i t y

D . P e a k D e f a u l t























NiC d S ens itivity
D.P ea k Default

The screen shows nominal voltage of the lithium battery. There are three types of
lithium batteries: LiFe (3.3V), Li-ion (3.6V), and LiPo (3.7V). It is critically important
that you set up the charger to work with the type of battery that you have. Failure
to do so could lead to damage of your battery and possibly even a fire or explosion
during the charge process.

This charger automatically detects the cell count of a lithium battery at the
beginning of a charge or discharge process. A battery that has been overly
discharged may not be properly detected. You may need to set the time term limit
to verify the cell count by the processor. Normally, 15 seconds are sufficient to
detect the cell count correctly. You may need to extend the time term limit for
batteries of large capacity. If the cell count is wrong or you set too long of a time
limit the charge or discharge process may come to an end within the time limit. This
may cause a fatal error. You have to extend the time term if the processor detects
the cell count incorrectly at the beginning of the charge or discharge process.
Otherwise, use the default value.

This shows the trigger voltage for automatic charge termination of NiCd and NiMH
batteries. The valid value range is from 5 to 20mV per cell. Setting the trigger
voltage higher may lead to overcharging, whereas setting it lower may cause
premature process termination. Please refer to the technical specifications for your
battery. Default value for NiCd is 12mV and NiMH is 7mV.

N i C d S e n s i t i v i t y

D . P e a k D e f a u l t

U S B / T e m p S e l e c t

T e m p C u t o f f 8 0 C

U S B / T e m p S e l e c t

U S B E n a b l e d