Iris Sample Processing StatSpin® Express 3 Primary Tube Centrifuge User Manual

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1. CLSI. “Protection of Laboratory Workers from Occupationally Acquired Infections;

Approved Guideline-Second Edition.” CLSI document M29-A2 [ISBN 1-56238-453-8].
CLSI, 940 West Valley Rd, Suite 1400, Wayne, Pennsylvania 19087-1898 USA, 2001.

2. CDC. Recommendations for Prevention of HIV Transmission in Health Care Settings.

MMWR (Suppl. No. 2S):2S-18S, 1987.

3. CDC. Updated: US Public Health Service Guidelines for the Management of Occupational

Exposures to HBV, HCV and HIV and Recommendations for Post Exposure Prophylaxis.
Appendix A and B. MMWR 50 (RR-11): 1-42, June 29, 2001.

55-005187-001 Rev. D

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