Wood’s Powr-Grip PT10FS10TAC User Manual
Page 7

Rev 9.0/1-12
PT10HV11FAC: #35142
Note: Some hoisting equipment hooks could interfere with an upright load that extends
beyond the lifter's pad frame. If the load would contact the hook during lifter operation, the
operator must prevent this by attaching a sling (or other rigging that does not interfere with
the load) between the hook and the lift shackle.
WARNING: Any sling used must be rated to carry maximum load weight plus
lifter weight.
Use the hoisting equipment to raise the lifter out of the shipping container. Be careful to
avoid damaging any vacuum pads. Remove the pad covers and save them for use whenever
the lifter is stored. Now the lifter is operational.
4) Perform Operational and Load Tests for the lifter as directed in MAINTENANCE: T
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