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STEP 7 - Pull first fabric mid panel into place.
Throw the snap ends of the two (2) pull ropes from the installa-
tion kit over the top of frame. See Figure 7b.
• CAUTION: Be certain area is clear so as not to strike any-
one while throwing the pull ropes over the top.
• Lay the mid fabric next to the bottom of the legs. Mid should
be loosely stacked to permit feeding into the slots near the top
of the lower legs.
• Snap the pull ropes onto the rings of the mid.
• Insert kedar ends of mids into slots. See Figure 7a.
• Two (2) to four (4) persons pull the fabric over the top of the
frame down to the bottom of the far leg, while two (2) persons
guide the edges into the slots. See Figure 7c.
• Disconnect the pull lines.
• CAUTION: Be certain at all times that fabric is not caught
on any part of the frame to prevent damage to the fabric.
• Insert the trailing kedar edges into the slots and work back
down to the bottom of the near leg.
• Remove the half-purlins and splices from the frame lifts and
attach the remaining half purlins to create four (4) purlins which
will now be used as ground bars to secure and tension the lower
edges of the mid panels.
• Loosen and release the bottom of the X-Cables to permit
installation of the ground bars.
• Insert a ground bar into the pocket at the bottom of each side
of the mid panel.
STEP 6 - Attach X Cables.
Hook the cables into position as shown. Note the
turnbuckles are at the bottom for ease of access
and adjustment. See figure 6.
• Tension the cables to square the frame. Use a
level if possible to check the squareness of the
frame. If no level is available, the gap in the turn-
buckles should be approximately equal.
Snap ends of
Pull ropes.
Figure 7b
Figure 7c
Slot in channel
Figure 7a
Kedar for sliding fabric
into frame channel.
Turnbuckles are
toward the Base
Figure 6