Apple AppleCare Protection Plan for Mac User Manual

Page 38

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Nothing in these terms and conditions shall limit the manufacturer’s obligations and responsibilities
under the general product safety legislation as laid down in Decree-law 383/86, of November 6 (Lei
da Responsabilidade Objectiva do Produtor), as amended from time to time.
The services provision hereby agreed upon is additional to the mandatory warranty period of your
products, as per applicable legislation on the warranty of consumer goods as laid down in Decree-
law no. 67/2003, of April 8 (Lei das Garantias dos Bens), as amended from time to time.
In accordance with Decree-Law no. 446/85, of October 25 (Lei das Cláusulas Contratuais Gerais), as
amended from time to time, nothing in these terms and conditions shall, in any manner whatsoever,
be interpreted as:
(a) Limiting or in any manner altering obligations assumed directly by Apple or its representative

in the contracting;

(b) Excluding or limiting, directly or indirectly, the liability for damages caused to the life, moral

or physical integrity or health of persons;

(c) Excluding or limiting, directly or indirectly, the liability for non contractual patrimonial

damages caused to you or any third parties;

(d) Excluding or limiting, directly or indirectly, the liability for definitive non compliance, delay

in compliance or defective compliance in case of fraud (dolo) or serious misconduct (culpa
grave); and/or

(e) Excluding or limiting, directly or indirectly, the liability for acts of representatives or auxiliary

persons in case of fraud (dolo) or serious misconduct (culpa grave).

Nothing in this Plan shall exclude or limit Apple’s liability if such limitation or exclusion would be
deemed invalid as a matter if Portuguese public policy under Article 800/2 of the Portuguese Civil
Section 8
If you are a consumer, nothing in these terms and conditions shall limit or exclude in any manner
whatsoever your rights as per Law no. 24/96, of July 31 (Lei de Defesa do Consumidor), as amended
from time to time.