Gradall 534B-9 Operation Manual User Manual

Page 22

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Numbers at left side of sample chart (-4' to 40')
represent elevation to top of horizontal forks as
measured from level ground. Elevation relates to
dimension “A” shown on serial number plate located
on right cab wall.

Boom Extension

Numbers across bottom of sample chart (0' to 24')
and numbers parallel to boom (1 to 5) represent
boom reach as measured from front of tires to
extended position.

Number decals on boom (1,2,3,4 & 5) relate directly
to boom extension. The largest number which can be
read from operator ’s seat indicates total boom
extension and must be matched with boom angle to
determine capacity.

Boom extension relates to dimension “D” shown on
s e r i a l n u m b e r p l a t e .

Boom Angle

Numbers at ends of angle lines (-4° to 70°)
represent angle of boom to horizontal as measured
from horizontal plane. Maximum angles are 4°
below horizontal with boom fully lowered to 70°
above horizontal with boom fully raised.

A boom angle indicator is located on left side of
boom section number one to shown boom angle. Be
sure machine is level from front to rear or indicator
w i l l p r o v i d e i n c o r r e c t r e a d i n g .

Load Center

Load shown on rated capacity chart are based on
the load center being two feet above and two feet
forward of surfaces of horizontal forks as indicated
by dimensions “B” and “C” on serial number plate.

The load center of a load is the center of gravity of
the load. For regularly shaped loads of the same
material, such as a pallet of blocks, the center of
gravity can be located by measuring the load to find
its center. For irregular loads, or loads of dissimilar
materials, keep the heaviest part of the load as close
t o t h e h e e l o f t h e f o r k s a s p o s s i b l e .

In all cases, the load center must be centered
between the forks.

Load Limits

Some capacity shown on the rated capacity chart
are based on machine stability and some are based
on hydraulic lift capacity. the “common sense” or
“feel” an experienced operator might apply in
regard to tipping loads


hydraulic load limits.

Exceeding load limits can

cause damage or in some cases,the machine to tip

From serial No. Plate






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