Tility, Equirements, Onnections – Glastender GT-30 User Manual
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Glastender, Inc. • 5400 North Michigan Road • Saginaw, MI • 48604-9780
800.748.0423 • 989.752.4275 • Fax 989.752.4444 • www.glastender.com
1. General Plumbing ................. a. Use 3/8" O.D. copper to 3/8" FMPT adapter provided.
(Hot water and cold
b. Minimum water pressure - 25 psi.
water required)
c. Maximum water pressure - 100 psi. Install water pressure regulator if line
pressure is over 100 psi. Water valve on unit has built-in line strainer and
flow control to provide consistent volume between 25 psi and 100 psi.
d. Install separate water shut-off valve for each connection.
e. The unit has built-in air gaps. Vacuum breakers are NOT required.
2. Hot Water Only .................... a. Maximum temperature 150° F (66° C). Minimum temperature 130° F (54° C).
b. Initial fill 3.00 gallons (GT-24) or 3.50 gallons (GT-30).
c. Consumption - 1/4 gallon per minute during operation.
3. Cold Water Only ................... a. Minimum temperature is 75° F (24° C) per FDA Ordinance and Code for
Food Service Establishments, Section 5-103(e)(2). Install hot/cold water
mixing valve if necessary.
b. Initial fill 2.25 gallons (GT-24) or 3.50 gallons (GT-30).
c. Consumption - two gallons per minute during operation.
4. Drain ..................................... a. 1-1/2" tailpiece provided on unit.
b. Use open type floor drain for maximum drainage.
c. Two white plastic drain cocks extending below the bottom are for recircu-
lating pump drainage when required for pump replacement or winterizing.
The drain cocks are shipped in the closed position. No plumbing is required.
5. Electrical ............................... a. Specifications: 120/208-240V, single phase, 60 Hz., 3 wire (two hot and
one neutral), ground connection per local code (green wire), 20 amp for
240 volt or 30 amp for 208 volt (4 wires total). Unit will operate satisfac-
torily within 10% of rated voltage.
b. A dedicated 20 Amp circuit is required [30 amp for 208V]
c. A power relay in the unit separates the high and low voltages and directs
the respective power to the electrical components. The heater and power
light operate on 208 volts or 240 volts as specified. All other components
operate on 120 volts.
6. Detergent .............................. a. An extra-heavy-duty, non-foaming, commercial liquid dishwashing deter-
gent is required. Adjust to .30% concentration.
b. The local chemical supplier should be consulted to match detergents with
local water conditions.
7. Sanitizer ................................ a. Liquid chlorine bleach (sodium hypochlorite - 5.25% solution). Adjust to
50 PPM.
b. Or low-sudsing iodine type sanitizer. Adjust to 12.5 PPM.
: .................................. A. In all cases, consult local plumbing, electrical, and health codes for regu-
lations which may not be consistent with the above.
B. The utility connections are made up from the floor at the bottom of the unit
approximately 7" to 8" high.