Vaisala Setting up Digi Connect Wi-SP or ConnectPort TS W Devices with viewLinc User Manual
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V e r i t e q , a V a i s a l a c o m p a n y
T e l 6 0 4 2 7 3 6 8 5 0
1 3 7 7 5 C o m m e r c e P a r k w a y
1 8 0 0 6 8 3 8 3 7 4 ( N o r t h A m e r i c a )
R i c h m o n d , B C , C a n a d a , V 6 V 2 V 4
F a x 6 0 4 2 7 3 2 8 7 4
w w w . v e r i t e q . c o m | w w w . v a i s a l a . c o m
c u s t o m e r s u p p o r t @ v e r i t e q . c o m
7. Connect the power supply to the Digi device. The red Power LED will turn on and off several
times during the next 15 seconds, then turn on again and remain on.
8. If
the login: line isn’t displayed within a few seconds, tap the Enter key on your keyboard until
it does.
9. At the login: prompt, enter the default user name root then press the Enter key. At the
password: prompt, enter the default password dbps (the text you type will not be displayed),
then press the Enter key.
10. If the user name and password were correct, the #> prompt will be displayed. If it isn’t,
disconnect the power supply, then repeat steps 7 through 10.
11. Enter the set commands described in the Wireless LAN Configuration Commands section. Use
the show commands to verify that the settings were made correctly. If any are incorrect, re-enter
the appropriate set command(s), then re-verify.
12. Disconnect the power supply from the Digi device, then disconnect the serial cable and DB-9
crossover adapter (null modem) from the Digi device.
13. Restore the MEI switch settings for the EIA-232 protocol.
14. Attach the antenna to the Digi device. Turn the antenna so it points up. Locate the device within
the area covered by the desired wireless access point.
15. If you are using a reserved IP address for this device, ensure that the DHCP server has been
updated with the device’s IP address before continuing with step 16.
16. Connect the power supply to the Digi device, then wait until the WiFi LNK LED (nearest the
antenna) is a solid green, indicating it is associated with an access point. (If you configured the
device to operate in ad hoc mode instead, the LED should blink slowly.) If the WiFi LED is
blinking quickly, it means that the device hasn’t yet established a wireless connection.
Note: If the device is unable to establish a wireless connection:
a) Wait for a few minutes to see if it is able to connect.
b) Disconnect and reconnect the power supply, then wait for the WiFi connection.
c) Repeat steps 1 through 16, then wait for it to connect.
d) Reset the device to factory defaults, repeat steps 1 through 16, then wait for it to
connect. To reset the device to factory defaults:
• Disconnect the power supply from the device.
• Locate the small round hole for the reset button just above the MEI switches on the
bottom of the device, as shown in the diagram in step 2.
• Press the reset button gently with a non-conductive tool such as a toothpick or
plastic stylus.
• Reconnect the power supply to the device while still pressing the reset button.
• Wait until you see a 1-1-1 pattern blink on the Power LED (near the power supply
jack on the device).
• Wait until you see a 1-5-1 pattern blink on the Power LED, then release the reset