Before you start the installation – Vaisala Setting up Digi Connect Wi-SP or ConnectPort TS W Devices with viewLinc User Manual
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1 3 7 7 5 C o m m e r c e P a r k w a y
1 8 0 0 6 8 3 8 3 7 4 ( N o r t h A m e r i c a )
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w w w . v e r i t e q . c o m | w w w . v a i s a l a . c o m
c u s t o m e r s u p p o r t @ v e r i t e q . c o m
Before You Start the Installation
This document provides information to help you install a Digi Connect Wi-SP or Digi ConnectPort TS W
device on a secured wireless network. These instructions replace steps 1 and 2 in the Veriteq Quick Start
Guide for viewLinc with vNet or Digi Devices. Refer to the Quick Start for steps 3 and beyond.
Veriteq vNet and Digi Device Drivers CD
The Veriteq vNet and Digi Device Drivers V1.0.4 (or newer) CD is required for the installation. If the
Software Installation menu does not display automatically when you insert the CD into the PC, start the
setup.exe program in the root folder of the CD.
If you don’t have the CD, its contents can be downloaded by clicking on the “Driver Download [zip]” link at
Extract the files from the .zip file. Start the setup.exe program in the root folder of the extracted files to
display the Software Installation menu.
Network Settings
Obtain an IP address for the wireless port of the Digi device from your IT administrator. It should either be
a reserved IP address supplied by DHCP, or a static IP address.
If you will be using a reserved IP address with a Digi ConnectPort TS W device, you may need to perform
steps 1 through 10 in the Installing a Digi ConnectPort TS W section before you have all the information
you need to provide to the IT administrator. (If there is only one MAC address printed on the bottom of the
ConnectPort TS W device, it is for the wired port, not the wireless port.)
If you are installing a Digi ConnectPort TS W device, but there is no DHCP server on the subnet that the
PC is connected to, then you will also need to get a temporary static IP address that is on the same
subnet as the PC running the installation software.
The settings you need to get include:
1. MAC address:
_____________________ (on bottom of Digi device)
2. Type:
__ static IP __ IP reserved by DHCP
3. IP
4. Subnet
_____._____._____._____ (only if static IP)
5. Gateway
_____._____._____._____ (only if static IP)