3 logworks tab, Entering fill-up information, Channel selection in the ot-2 tab – Innovate Motorsports OT-2 User Manual

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Entering Fill-Up Information

Swipe left until the fill-up summary screen is in view. Press the “Fill-up” button.

The fill-up summary utility tries to detect missed entries (fill-ups not entered) so that

averaging over time will not be distorted. The distance threshold for ‘missed’ can be set by
pressing the ‘i’ button.

It is generally cheaper and better for the environment to fill up completely each gas stop,
however, do not hesitate to log partial fill-ups. The fill-up summary averages over all contiguous
entries so your long-term data will still be correct.

Similarly, it is not necessary to ‘top up’ the tank to the absolute fullest for accuracy. Again, the tool
averages over time. ‘Topping up’ tends to be bad for the environment.

There are many ‘tips’ on saving money on gas. But, based on the data we collected in testing
there are three that we can recommend. First, slow down! Simply obeying posted speed limits
saved our testers an average of 11% in fuel. Second, cruise control. If you have it and can use it,
it appears to improve economy an average of about 9%. Third, fill up early in the morning, on

Yes, that last one is odd, but it is two factors combined. Statistically, fuel prices appear to be
lowest on Wednesdays and early morning is generally when the fuel is dispensed at its lowest

3.3 LogWorks Tab

There are three pages in the LogWorks. The first gauge display can be configured to display any
three channels and allows the start and stop of a log. The second page displays all the channels

Before using the LogWorks tab it is necessary to configure which channels are in the OT-2 tab
which is reviewed in the next section.


Channel Selection in the OT-2 tab

1. Press the OT-2 tab.

2. On the upper left-hand corner you will see a

icon which is used to enter a configuration

screen, alternatively press the HW SETUP button.
(Note: The main OT-2 page serves as a status page giving you information about the
hardware, network, and OBD-II connection.)

3. The configuration screen has three parameters to configure:

Channels to Provide: Select how many channels to display and data log. (Note: It is best to start
with a small number of channels in the beginning to be able to gauge the speed of the ECU.)

OBD-II Protocol: Select which OBD-II protocol to connect with. We suggest leaving this setting
set at Automatic.