Pro-Cut PFM 9.0 User Manual
Page 16

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Before lifting the vehicle, the front wheels should be straight and the parking brake should be off, with the
transmission in neutral.
NOTE: Remember to index mark rotors before removing them so you
can be sure they are returned to the same positions on the hub.
1. Raise the vehicle according to the lift manufacturer’s instructions. Raise until the wheel hub is about belt level.
2. Check wheel bearings for damage or excessive play. If this or any other wheel service is required, it should be performed
before match-machining the rotors as loose or damaged bearings will keep the lathe from doing the most accurate job possible.
3. Remove the wheels. Remove the brake calipers and suspend them out of the way of moving parts such as half shafts and
CV joints using the yellow S-hooks provided (pn 37-034K). Be sure to remove all wheels that may turn when the lathe is
turned on.
4. If the rotor is free on the hub, mark and remove it in order to assess the mating surface. Use a ScotchBrite™ type wheel
on a die grinder, or other suitable wheel hub cleaning tool to remove rust or debris. Clean all material from the mounting
5. The rotor on the side of the wheel that is not to be machined should be marked and removed if it is free on the hub or
secured with at least 2 lug nuts. Match marking the rotors to the hub is very important.
6. Use a micrometer to measure rotor thickness and determine how much material may be removed from the rotor by com-
paring to brake spec guide provided. Visually inspect for deep rust or grooves. This inspection will help determine the
depth of the cut.