Cooking specialties, Use of baskets for steaming, Use of baskets for deep frying – King Kooker 2292 V Bottom Outdoor Cooker User Manual

Page 21

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sectIon III

cooKInG sPecIAltIes


FAIlure to FolloW tHese InstructIons And WArnInGs could result In FIre,

exPlosIon, burn HAzArd or cArbon monoxIde PoIsonInG WHIcH could cAuse

ProPerty dAmAGe, PersonAl Injury, or deAtH.

reAd And understAnd All WArnInGs And

InstructIons beFore usInG tHIs Product!

Assembly And use InstructIons contAIned In sectIons I-III

must be reAd And understood beFore oPerAtIon oF tHIs APPlIAnce

The baskets supplied with this appliance provide you with a wide array of cooking options. Please read
and understand the following instructions for correct use of the baskets.

use oF bAsKets For steAmInG

Both the large and small baskets can be used for steaming. Fill the V-Bottom pot with 5 qts. (4.73 L)

of water. Hang the baskets with food onto the lower rod inside of the V-Bottom pot (basket should rest

just above the water level) and close the lid. Light the cooker according to the directions in this manual.

Periodically check the water level inside of the pot. Make sure to never allow all of the steaming liquid

to evaporate. A hole will be burned into the bottom of an empty pot on a lit cooker.

use oF bAsKets For deeP FryInG

Both the large and small baskets can be used for deep frying. The large basket can be used for frying

larger foods such as turkey or chicken. The smaller baskets can be used when cooking foods cut

into small pieces such as fish filets, french fries and vegetables. The V-Bottom Pot is supplied with two

hanging rods that are pre-installed inside of the pot. Hang the baskets onto the lower rod to cook food.

Hang the baskets onto the upper rod to drain and cool food. Never cover the pot when cooking with

oil. Please see below for important information in regards to cooking with oil.

cooKInG WItH oIl Is not sImIlAr to Any otHer cooKInG metHod.

cooking oil is very combustible at high temperatures, and special precautions

must be taken to avoid a dangerous grease fire.

1. Use the products only outdoors, and only on a level, stable, noncombustible surface such as brick,

concrete, or dirt. not suItAble are surfaces such as wood, asphalt, or plastic which may burn,

blister or melt. Keep clear from all combustible materials.

2. do not use under any overhangs or roofs, and keep a minimum clearance of 10 ft. (3.05m) on all

sides of the cooker. Keep the area clear of any combustible material. Do not use on or under any

apartment or condo balcony or deck.

3. do not leave unattended while cooker is in use or is still hot [above 100°F (38°C)].

4. Check all cooker fittings for leaks before each use.

Keep the fuel supply hose away from any heated

surfaces. Only the LP hose/regulator and timer assembly specified by Metal Fusion, Inc. should

be used with this appliance.

5. When cooking with oil/grease, have a Type BC or ABC fire extinguisher readily available.

In the event of an oil/grease fire do not attempt to extinguish with water. Immediately call the Fire

Department. A type BC or ABC fire extinguisher may, in some circumstances, contain the fire.

(continued on page 22)