INTELLINET NETWORK 525268 User Manual User Manual
Page 38

SYSTEM & NETWORK SETUP Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) Pre-Shared Key
WPA Unicast Cipher Suite — Once you select one of the three ciper options —
“WPA (TKIP),” “WPA2 (AES)” or “WPA2 Mixed” — make sure your wireless
clients support it.
Pre-shared Key Format — Select the type of pre-shared key from the drop-down
menu: “Passphrase” (8 or more alphanumerical characters, up to 63) or “Hex”
(64 characters of 0-9 and a-f).
Pre-shared Key — Enter the WPA passphrase.
NOTE: As mentioned earlier, try to
avoid common terms or character combinations. WPA RADIUS
If you have a RADIUS server, this router can work with it and provide even safer
wireless authentication.
WPA Unicast Cipher Suite — Once you select one of the three ciper options —
Some wireless devices (especially those manufactured before 2003) only support
the WEP or WPA (TKIP) cipher. A driver upgrade would be needed for them to be
able to use WPA and WPA2 encryption.