Biamp A4 User Manual
Page 180

NTP strings require a space between each parameter; the last character in the string needs to be
a line feed
examples shown in this manual (for legibility only). A space normally proceeds the carriage
return/line feed
For each control string a few components will need to be derived from the Nexia software:
are derived from this document. In a
SET command,
is used to specify what the DSP block attribute is to be set to. In an
increment or decrement (INC or DEC) command Value is used to specify how much the DSP
block attribute is to be changed by.
Nexia software will assign an Instance ID number to each DSP block on the initial
of the system. Subsequent compiles will not change the Instance ID numbers unless the
"Reassign Instance IDs" check box is selected in the ‘
’ tab of the ‘
’ screen
(located on the Tools pull-down menu) in the Nexia software. Custom names (
may be assigned to DSP blocks, and used in lieu of Instance ID numbers within NTP command
Example: A string to control a Fader Level might look like this: SET 1 FDRLVL 2 1 9
The individual components for this string are:
Notice that Index2 is not used since there is nothing entered in this parameter.
Example: A string to Mute a Standard Mixer Output: SET 3 SMMUTEOUT 5 5 1
The individual components for this string are:
Notice that Index1 is not used since there is nothing entered in this parameter.
Example: A string to turn up (increment) a Crosspoint on a Matrix Mixer: INC 2 MMLVLXP 4 3 2 1
The individual components for this string are:
In this example Index1 and Index2 are both used, together they specify which Crosspoint to