Biamp A4 User Manual
Page 139

Component Objects
Once a Component Object is placed into the Layout, all available settings can be accessed by
double-clicking over the object. This produces a Control Dialog Box, which displays the
component controls in a more conventional user interface.
see Level Control Dialog
see Level Inc/Dec Control Dialog
see Invert Control Dialog
see Mute Button Control Dialog
see Preset Button Control Dialog
see Remote Preset Button Control Dialog
see Logic Gates
see Logic Delay Control Dialog
see Command String Control Dialog
see Volume 8 Control Dialog
see Select 8
see Volume/Select 8 Control Dialog
see RED-1 Control Dialog
see Voltage Control Box
see Logic Box
Right-clicking over the object provides a pop-up menu of options. Control Dialog Boxes for
Level, Invert, Mute, and Preset related components can be minimized to create user control
surfaces (see