Routers – Biamp A4 User Manual
Page 143

Component Objects
Adjust the Ambient Response time to determine how quickly the Ambient Input detector
responds to changes in the Ambient Input signal. Ambient Response should be set fast
enough to track important ambient level changes (e.g. an approaching train in a depot),
but slow enough to ignore unimportant ambient level changes (e.g. someone popping
their bubble gum).
The overall responsiveness of the ANC output is determined by the larger (slower) of
the two aforementioned times: Gain Time and Ambient Response time.
Setting Thresholds
Press the "Set Threshold" button, ensuring that the Program Input level is a good
approximation of the highest program signal level you expect will be fed to the ANC. This
process records the levels of both the Ambient and Program inputs. The Ambient
Threshold is set to 10dBu higher than the recorded Ambient level. This process takes up
to 5 seconds.
Set Gain Ratio
Adjust Gain Ratio to specify how many dB of gain is applied for every dBu over Ambient
Threshold the Ambient level is.
These Component Objects provide typical audio routing functions. Routers may be connected
between any components within the Layout, for applications which require routing of input
signals to various outputs. Routers are available in pre-defined configurations, however, the
configuration may be customized when being placed from the
. Also available in
the Routers category are Paging Zone Routers, which are intended for use with
inputs, and Source Selection Routers that are intended for switching between
background music sources.
Once a Component Object is placed into the Layout, all available settings can be accessed by
double-clicking over the object. This produces a Control Dialog Box, which displays the
component controls in a more conventional user interface.
see Router Control Dialog
see Paging Zone Router Control Dialog
see Source Selection Control Dialog