Veris Technologies Precision Rate Controller - Operation Manual User Manual
Page 18

Pub.# OM17-PRC
Population Monitor rate does not match Veris Console.
-Make certain that SiteMate and Console agree. If not, see Troubleshooting
step 4 above.
-Re-check GP calibration number, with metering wheel and row spacing.
-Re-check planter monitor settings: calibration number, row spacing, number
of rows, swath width, seed, etc.
-On small seeds and/or high rates, if population monitor consistently indicates
a lower population than the Cab Console, contact monitor manufacturer for
performance specs for that application.
5. GPS signal is not being received by SiteMate:
-verify that GPS serial port (which is also the docking port) is not set to PC
connection only (Start/Settings/Communications/PC Connections
-check GPS settings in Configure/Settings/GPS settings/COM (typically
COM1, 4800 Baud, 8 data bits, Parity None, and Stop Bits 1)
-Click Data tab to view GPS details
Figure 33.
Settings for Ag Leader PF3000 Monitors used with Veris Precision Rate
(Create a .tgt recipe file in SMS 2.0 or FarmWorks Site Pro, or other software
that will create a .tgt file, and copy it to an SRAM or Flash card that is compatible
with the PF 3000.)
9 pin
cable for