National Instruments PCI-1411 User Manual
Page 48

© National Instruments Corporation
board configuration NVRAM, 3-4
SDRAM, 3-3
region of interest
acquisition, scaling, and ROI
circuitry, 3-3
configuring, 3-5
requirements for getting started, 2-1
RGB image representation, B-2
32-bit HSL and HSI, B-3
definition, B-2
hue, saturation, luminance, and intensity
planes, B-3
scaling down circuitry, 3-5
scatter-gather DMA controllers, 3-3
SDRAM, 3-3
setting up your IMAQ system (figure), 2-3
signal connections, 4-1 to 4-2
custom cables, 4-2
I/O connector (figure), 4-1
signal description (table), 4-2
software programming choices, 1-2 to 1-6
IMAQ Vision Builder software, 1-5
IMAQ Vision software, 1-5
NI-IMAQ driver software, 1-3 to 1-4
software-related resources, C-2
specifications, A-1 to A-4
accuracy, A-2
A/D conversion, A-2
color decoding, A-2
environment, A-4
external connections, A-2
formats supported, A-1
memory, A-2
PCI interface, A-3
physical, A-4
power requirements, A-3
video input, A-1
start conditions, 3-4
S-VIDEO signal (table), 4-2
technical support resources, C-1 to C-2
TRIG signal (table), 4-2
trigger control and mapping circuitry, 3-3
unpacking PCI/PXI-1411, 2-4
video acquisition, 3-1
video decoder, 3-2
video input specifications, A-1
VIDEO signal (table), 4-2
video standards, 3-2
Web support from National Instruments,
C-1 to C-2
online problem-solving and diagnostic
resources, C-1
software-related resources, C-2
worldwide technical support, C-2