Lexicon MPX G2 User Manual
Page 39

MPX G2 User Guide
The knob will adjust the flashing parameter value.
Use > to step to the Level parameter, or to step forward
to the next screen of Mix and Level parameters.
< >
Press Edit to enter the main Edit menu and use the knob to select Mix.
The display will show Mix and Level labels on the upper line, and the current
settings on the lower line. One of the values on the lower line will be flashing to
let you know which is selected for adjustment. Use the
and > buttons to select
Send Level, Post Mix and Level, or to step to the Mix and Level controls for any
active effect in the currently running program. Use the knob to adjust the flashing
parameter value.
In the MPX G2, both the pre-gain and post-gain paths have independent
programmable level controls. Be sure to read about MPX G2 signal flow in
Chapter 1.
The Send parameter controls the level of the Pre-Gain signal leaving through the
rear panel Send jack. When the front panel Input knob is set correctly (with the
Clip LED lighting only occasionally during your loudest playing), a Send Level
of 0dB will match the level of the Unity Gain Relay Bypass.
The main purpose of this control is to allow you to match the overall Pre-Gain
effects level with the level when the Pre-Gain path is bypassed. It can also be
used to provide clean boost to add additional punch to kick a clean amp into
Send Options: Send Byp Level
This parameter controls the Send output level during the transition between two
programs when a new program is loaded — to allow you to smooth out any
volume differences that might occur during program load. For most programs
this level should be set to 0dB.
The Post-Gain path also has programmable effects and bypass levels. The Post
Level parameter sets the overall level of wet (effects only) signal. It can add as
much as 6dB of additional gain.
Post Options: Post Byp Level
This parameter sets the output level of the Post Gain path when it is bypassed.
A setting of 0dB corresponds to unity gain.
These parameters allow you to match Post-Gain effects and bypass levels so
that transitions between bypass states and program loads will be smooth. For
most programs the Post Byp Level should be set to 0dB and the Post Level
parameter should be changed to match the bypass level.
With the Send or Post
parameter displayed,
press Options to
acce ss Bypass
Adjusting Pre-Gain and
Post-Gain Level