Lexicon MPX G2 User Manual
Page 20

Product Overview
Connect the amp’s effects loop send to the MPX G2 rear panel Insert
Returns jacks. (Note that when you make this connection, the MPX G2 front
panel Insert button lights up to indicate something is connected to the
Insert Returns.)
If your amp has a mono effects loop...
connect the amp’s loop send to the MPX G2 rear panel Right (Mono)
Insert Return jack.
If your amp has a stereo effects loop...
connect the amp’s left and right effects loop sends to the MPX G2 rear
panel Left and Right Insert Returns.
Connect the MPX G2 rear panel Main Outputs to the effects loop returns
of your amp. (If your amp has a mono effects loop, you can connect to
either the MPX G2 Left or Right Main Output jack.)
Set the MPX G2 rear panel Insert Level knob to 0.
Take your amp out of standby (or turn it on).
With program 249 Unity Gain still loaded, play your guitar. (You won’t hear
anything yet.) Slowly turn up the MPX G2 rear panel Level knob. (The MPX
G2 front panel Aux In LED should light to show that you have signal coming
into the Insert Returns.) Continue increasing Level until the MPX G2 front
panel Clip LED only lights occassionally during your very loudest playing.
Slowly turn up the MPX G2 front panel Output knob until the amp is back
at its original loudness. (For most amps, this will be at about the 2 o’clock
position.) You will hear a slight ticking as this knob is adjusted — this is
Note the positions of the MPX G2 front panel Output knob as well as the
postition of the rear panel Level knob. These should be the same whenever
you connect to this particular amp.
OK, that's it! Now you’re ready to start listening to the Amp Input & FX Loop
programs (1-99).
NOTE: To get the output level ex-
actly right, you need to compare
the volume of the amp with its
effects loop disconnected, to its
volume with its effect loop con-
nected. Here’s where an extra
pair of hands can be very helpful.
Load Program 249 Unity Gain.
While you play, have someone
else unplug the effects loop con-
nections from the amp. Listen to
the loudness of the sound, then
have the loop plugged back in.
If the amp is louder with the loop
connected, turn down the MPX
G2 front panel Output knob.
If the amp is softer with the loop
connected, turn up the Output
knob. Repeat this until you can’t
hear any volume difference with
the loop connected or not.
Set both Input and
Output to 2 o'clock.
(See instructions.)
Adjust Level so that the
Clip LED does not light.
(See instructions.)
from guitar amp
effects loop Send
to the guitar amp
Input (the same
input you would
use to plug in
your guitar)
to guitar amp Left and Right effect Returns
Connect either the Left or Right Main Out-
put to a guitar amp with a mono effects
loop. (See instructions for setting MPX G2
Audio Output Mode to Mono.)