Lexicon PCM 80 User Manual
Page 77
The Algorithms and Their Parameters
In each algorithm, the Delay Time row contains parameters for delay settings of
each voice, as well as master delay parameters for all voices.
Master, GldResp, GldRange, Clear
Press Load/
to cycle through selections: Master, GldResp, GldRange and
This control allows you to simultaneously change the delay times of all voices
in the effect. The available range is from 0-200%. This provides a simple way to
expand or close in all of the voice delay times. If a voice's delay time is set to
500ms, changing the setting of the Master parameter to 200% will change the
delay time to 1000ms. Setting this parameter to 0% is an easy way to set all the
delays to 0 from a single control.
In all of the 4-Voice algorithms, and in the Chorus+Rvb algorithm, this parameter
controls the response of the glide. The range is 0-100, with a typical default
setting of 50. This setting provides a good, real-time glide. Changing a delay time
from 0 to 100ms with a glide response of 0, causes the glide delays to take a
minute or more, allowing subtle changes in delay times and echoes with no
noticeable pitch shifting. A glide response of 100 is ultrafast, causing high speed
pitch shift, and even chirping effects with large delay time changes.
In all of the 4-Voice algorithms, and in the Chorus+Rvb algorithm, this parameter
controls the range over which changes to the voice delay time will be performed
as a glide. For example, if GldRange is set to 100ms, and the PstDly L and R
times are varied over a range of 100ms, those delays will glide smoothly from
one delay time to another. Suddenly changing the delay time to a greater value,
such as 200ms, will cause the audio delay to change instantly to the new time
without gliding. The available range is 0-1.365sec, with 0 causing all delay time
changes to be "instantaneous", and 1.365 causing all delay time changes to
This is an On/Off control which allows you to instantly clear all of the audio in the
delay voices. A typical use for this control might be to patch it to a footswitch to
allow one tap removal of all old audio from the delays to start fresh. While Clear
is on, no new audio will pass through any delay voice set above 1ms.
Delay Time