Lexicon PCM92 User Manual
Page 31
Because of the large number of potential presets in the PCM92, Preset
Change messages are used along with the Bank Select extension to provide
MIDI preset selection. Controller 32 is used to select the current pre-
set bank. Controller 32 is sent to the system (to select the desired bank),
fol¬lowed by a Preset Change message to select a preset. The Bank values are
“sticky,” meaning the PCM92 will remember the Bank values for each MIDI
channel. It is not necessary to send a Bank change with each Preset Change
unless the Bank has indeed changed.
hoW to ASSIGN A bASe chANNeL to the PcM92
The base channel identifies a PCM92 unit to a MIDI device. Add 1, 2, 3, or
4 to the unit’s base channel to identify virtual machines within the unit. You
can connect up to three PCM92 units to a single MIDI device.
To assign a base channel to the PCM92:
1. Press the Back button until the Preset screen appears.
2. Press the Machine button until System View is displayed.
3. Press the Select knob to enter the System Menu.
4. Turn the Select knob until Midi Control is highlighted.
5. Press the Select knob to access the Midi Control Menu.
6. Turn the Select knob until Base Channel is highlighted.
7. Turn Knob B to select the base channel (0-15).
8. Turn the Select knob until Machine 1 is selected.
9. Turn Knob B to select the channel for Machine 1 (0-15).
10. Repeat steps 8-9 until you have selected channels for each virtual machine.
11. Press the Back button twice to return to the Preset screen.
Now the PCM92 unit is identified by the selected base channel, and virtual machines
1, 2, 3, and 4 within the PCM92 are identified by their respective channels.
chANNeL MAP (hoW chANNeLS MAP to MAchINeS)
Base Channel System Level
Use for loading System presets. This is the PCM92 unit’s base channel. The next
four channels apply to this PCM92 unit’s virtual machines.
for virtual
machines 1-4
machines 1-4
Changes parameters in one virtual machine in a System preset on the PCM92 unit
with base channel 0. Use for loading machine presets and changing parameters for
individual machines.
The Bank Dump feature lets you copy all the presets in a User bank from
one PCM92 to another (or to another MIDI device). Refer to the MIDI
Control section on page 20 for information about Bank Dump.
ReveRSe bANK dUMP (bANK “LoAd”)
You can perform a “reverse bank dump” by recording a bank dump to your
MIDI sequencer, then playing that sysex back to the PCM92 to restore the