8 following a route, 9 reversing a route, 10 selecting route color – Standard Horizon CP150C User Manual

Page 38: 9 goto function, 0 goto cursor

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GPS Chart 150C

3.8.8 Following a Route

With the Route shown on the Chart page, move the cursor to the starting Waypoint
in the Route and press “GOTO”. You will notice that a line will be drawn from your
present position to the selected Waypoint which indicates the chart plotter is not going
to that Waypoint in the Route. After you reach the Waypoint the chart plotter will
automatically switch the next Waypoint in the Route.

3.8.9 Reversing a Route

To reverse a Route, press “MENU”, select ROUTE and press “ENTER”. Then select
REVERSE and press “ENTER”. The Route is now reversed.

3.8.10 Selecting Route Color

To select Route color, press “MENU”, select ROUTE and press “ENTER”. Then
select COLOR and press “ENTER”: a window is opened; use the ShuttlePoint knob
to select the color among the 8 colors available. Press “ENTER” to confirm. The Route
appears on the screen colored by the selected color. It is possible to select a different
color for any Route.



This function allows you to start navigating to a point using the ShuttlePoint knob
directly on the Chart page.

3.9.0 Goto Cursor

Moving the ShuttlePoint knob to the desired location to navigate to and press
“ENTER”. A pop up Goto window will be shown. Using the ShuttlePoint knob select
CURSOR and press “ENTER”. You are now navigating to the cursors location and
will notice that a circle with a flag appears and DEST appears on the chart. There is
also a bearing line from your position to the Destination point.

Figure 3.9.0 - Placing Destination on Cursor