Baud rate 79, Com mu ni ca ti on pa ra me ters 79, Mo dem dia ling pau se 79 – Samson Trovis 5100 User Manual

Page 79: Sta ti on ad dress 79

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Co9 -> Fb00 = ON



Co9 -> Fb01 = OFF

Modbus 16-bit addressing


Co9 -> Fb04




Parameter level / Range of values

Station address (ST.-NR)


PA9 / 1 to 247 (1 to 999 with Co9 -> Fb04 = ON)

Baud rate (BAUD)


PA9 / 300 to 19200

* –> Section 9.3 (“Description of communication parameters to be adjusted“)

9.3 Description of communication parameters to be adjusted

Station address (ST.-NR)
This address is used to identify the district heating controller in bus or modem mode. In a system,
each controller needs to be assigned a unique address.

Baud rate (BAUD)
In a bus system, the baud rate refers to the transfer speed between control system and district
heating controller. In modem mode, baud rate refers to the transfer speed between district heat-
ing controller and modem.
The baud rate adjusted at the district heating controller must correspond with the baud rate of
the control system, otherwise communication cannot be established.

Cyclic initialization (I)
This parameter defines the period of time for a cyclical issue of the initialization command
“ATZ“. The command is not issued during dial-up or when connected. “ATZ“ causes the con-
figuration profile 0 to be copied to the active profile, provided the modem parameters have
been set and saved in profile 0 using a suitable terminal program.
Typical initialization of a modem with a terminal program:
AT & F

(restores modem to its factory settings)


(response of the modem)

ATEOSO = 1 (command input, EO: echo off;

SO = 1: answer on first ring)

Modem dialing pause (P)
It is recommended to observe an interval of approx. 3 to 5 minutes between dialing up to the
control system/or sending a text message or fax to avoid a permanent overloading of the (tele-
communications) network. The modem dialing pause is the interval between two dialing at-

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