Samson Trovis 5100 User Manual
Mounting and operating instructions eb 5179 en

Automation System TROVIS 5100
District Heating Controller
Mounting and
Operating Instructions
EB 5179 EN
Electronics from SAMSON
Firmware version 1.2x
Edition August 2005
This manual is related to the following products:
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Con tents
- 1 Ope ra tion 6
- 2 Start-up 20
- 3 Manual ope ra tion 27
- 4 Sys tems 28
- 5 Functions of the hea ting cir cuit 38
- 5.1 Functio ning prin ci ple 38
- 5.2 Weat her-com pen sa ted con trol 38
- 5.3 Fixed set point con trol 41
- 5.4 Dif fe ren tial tem pe ra ture con trol using varia ble weighting fac tors 41
- 5.5 Deac ti vat ion depen ding on out door tem pe ra ture 42
- 5.6 Delayed out door tem pe ra ture adap ta tion 44
- 5.7 Out door tem pe ra ture-depen dent advance hea ting 44
- 5.8 Remote ope ra tion 45
- 5.9 Opti mi za tion with room sen sor 45
- 5.10 Flash adap ta tion 47
- 5.11 Adap ta tion 47
- 5.12 Room tem pe ra ture-depen dent con trol 48
- 5.13 Pump mana ge ment 49
- 5.14 Relea sing the hea ting cir cuit 50
- 5.15 Posi tion feed back in pre-con trol cir cuit 50
- 6 Functions of the DHW cir cuit 51
- 7 Sys tem-wide functions 58
- 7.1 Auto ma tic sum mer time/win ter time chan geo ver 58
- 7.2 Frost pro tec tion 58
- 7.3 For ced ope ra tion of the pumps 58
- 7.4 Return flow tem pe ra ture limi ta tion 58
- 7.5 Con den sate accu mu la tion con trol 60
- 7.6 Com pen sa ting for time delays 60
- 7.7 Three-step con trol 61
- 7.8 On/off con trol 62
- 7.9 Con ti nu ous-action con trol 62
- 7.10 For war ding the out door tem pe ra ture 63
- 7.11 Flow rate/capa city limi ta tion over a pulse input 63
- 7.12 Loc king manual level 65
- 8 Ope ra tio nal faults 66
- 9 Com mu ni ca tion 75
- 9.1 RS-232-C sys tem bus inter face 76
- 9.2 RS-232/RS-485 sys tem bus inter face (for four-wire bus) in com bi na tion with cable con ver ters 77
- 9.3 Des crip tion of com mu ni ca tion para me ters to be adjus ted 78
- 9.4 Meter bus inter face 80
- 9.5 LON com mu ni ca tion 83
- 9.6 Reque sting/pro ces sing an exter nal demand 84
- 9.7 Sen ding out door tem pe ra tu res and con trol ler time 85
- 10 Instal la tion 87
- 11 Elec tri cal con nec tion 89
- 12 Appen dix 96
- In dex
- A
- B
- C
- Ca li bra ting sen sors 24
- Ca pa ci ty li mi ta tion 64,82
- Chan geo ver key 6
- Cha rac te ris tics 39
- Col lec ti ve er ror alarm 68
- Com mu ni ca ti on pa ra me ters 79
- Con den sa te ac cu mu la ti on con trol 61
- Con fi gu ra ti on le vel 97
- Con nec ti on
- Con ti nu ous-ac ti on con trol 63
- Con trol
- Con trol sta ti on, pho ne num ber 80
- Con trol ler time 11
- Cus to mer data 130
- D
- E
- F
- G
- H
- I
- K
- L
- M
- N
- O
- P
- R
- S
- T
- U
- V
- W