Troubleshooting, Eide tape drive, Eide and scsi tape drives – IBM 4690 User Manual

Page 38: Troubleshooting eide tape drive

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EIDE Tape Drive

If the Store Controller is indicating an error during the boot process prior to the
“IBM 4690 OS 386 V1 ...” message, the problem is not in the 4690 software. The
problem is either a hardware failure, a hardware configuration problem, downlevel
BIOS, or downlevel firmware in the tape drive. Check for the following conditions:
v Make sure the jumpers are correct. On each ribbon cable, there must be no more

than one device jumpered as the “master” or “master with a slave attached”. If
there are two devices on the ribbon cable, one, and only one, must be jumpered
as the slave.

v Make sure the ribbon cable is attached correctly to both the devices and the

connector on the system board.

v Make sure the tape drive firmware is current. See “Upgrading the Firmware for

the Tape Drive” on page 11 to determine if you need to upgrade the firmware.

v Make sure the BIOS of the Store Controller is current. You can try upgrading the

BIOS to a more recent level.

If the Streaming Tape Drive Utility abends with a W639 B4/S056/E001 message, it
indicates that either the TAPESTRS 5 or TAPESTRM 5 command was not executed,
the Store Controller does not support the tape drive, or that the Store Controller
could not detect the tape drive.

Make sure that the following conditions exist:
v The tape drive is on the secondary ribbon cable.
v TAPESTRM 5 was run from Command Mode and TAPESTRS 5 was run from

the Supplemental Diskettes. After running the command, you must reboot your

v The Store Controller is an ISA bus system (that is, a PC 300 through PC 750


v The Configuration/Setup Utility accessed by pressing F1 when prompted during

the boot process can detect the tape drive. The tape drive should show as a
CD-ROM and Installed. If the Configuration/Setup Utility cannot detect the tape
drive, check the connections and jumpers.

v The tape drive model is supported.

EIDE and SCSI Tape Drives

If the Streaming Tape Drive Utility abends with a W679 B4/S056/E157 message, it
can indicate numerous problems including:
v The tape to which you are trying to write is only supported in read-only mode.
v The device is not in a valid position. Make sure the drive is not upside down.
v The device has a hardware problem.

If the Streaming Tape Drive Utility abends with a W679 B4/S056/E034 message, it
can indicate numerous problems including:
v The tape to which you are trying to write is not supported by the tape drive.

The RHOMAT format tapes are not supported.

v The tape is not properly formatted. The tape drive only supports preformatted

TR-4 tapes.


TR-4 Tape Drive User’s Guide