Updating the mobile gateway™ video server – Inetcam Mobile Gateway User Manual
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Draft version 1.7
Inetcam® and iMViewer™ are the property of Inetcam, Inc.
Updating the Mobile Gateway™ Video Server
As previously mentioned, the Mobile Gateway™ Finder utility may be used to update the software
on your video server. Follow all of the steps below to apply an update using the Finder utility.
Download the update for the Mobile Gateway™ video server by visiting
. Updates are available from the Support Section of the web site. Save
the update to the desktop of a PC on the same network as the Mobile Gateway™.
Open the Mobile Gateway™ Finder utility by inserting the CD into the CD-ROM drive of
that PC. Browse to the CD, and double click Finder.exe. The Mobile Gateway™ Finder
utility will launch.
Finder will locate all of the Mobile Gateway™ video servers on the network. If it does not
list any servers, click the Find Servers button.
Once the servers are located, select the server that will be updated. The network settings
and software version for that server will display. Click the Update Software button. Use
the resulting window to browse to the downloaded file saved on the desktop. Click Open.
Another window will open and ask for a username and password. Enter a username or
password that has administrator privileges for the Mobile Gateway™ video server. Once
this username and password are authenticated, a status screen for the update will
All status screens should list “Success”. If any status lists “FAILURE”, check the
download and try again.