IronKey Personal User Manual
Page 19

Adding, renaming, and removing
applications to the Applications
To manage the items in the Application List of the
IronKey Control Panel, simply right-click anywhere in
Application List. A menu will appear allowing you to:
. Browse to a new application to add it to the list
. Rename existing applications in the list
3. Delete an application from the list
4. Modify the way the list is presented
Please note that:
Items in the list are shortcuts to actual files. Manag-
ing the items in the list will not alter the actual file.
Items are automatically sorted alphabetically
Any file can be added to the list, including docu-
ments, images, and batch files
For items that are not applications, Windows will
open the item with the default program associated
with that filetype
Locking & unplugging the IronKey Clicking “Lock Drive” will exit open IronKey applica-
tions and lock the device. It is then safe to unplug it
from your computer.
Do not unplug your IronKey while applications are still
running. This could result in data corruption.
If you are using your IronKey on an unfamiliar computer and are concerned about keylogging
and screenlogging spyware, use the IronKey Virtual Keyboard, which helps protects your pass-
words by letting you click out letters and numbers. The underlying techniques in the IronKey
Virtual Keyboard will bypass many trojans, keyloggers, and screenloggers.
The IronKey Virtual Keyboard can be launched in a couple of ways:
In places where you enter a password into the IronKey (e.g. the IronKey Unlocker, changing
your device password, initializing your device), click on the Virtual Keyboard icon
Use the keyboard shortcut of CTRL + ALT + V
The IronKey Virtual Keyboard can be used in a number of other applications when you need
extra security typing out information (e.g. email, documents, etc.).