IronKey Personal User Manual
Page 18

Configuring device settings
The Settings menu allows you to configure preferences
to your liking, such as:
Enabling/Disabling the Password Manager
Enabling/Disabling the Secure Sessions
Configuring Password Manager options
Select which web browser your IronKey should use
Enabling an automatic check for device updates
on a weekly basis
As well as some important drive maintenance features:
Reformatting your secure volume
Restoring your IronKey applications if they are ever
erased or corrupted
Configure your IronKey’s
network and proxy settings
Click on Network Settings to configure how your
IronKey connects to the Internet:
Direct Connection: Does not use a proxy
Use System Settings: import the proxy settings from
Windows’ Internet Options
Use WPAD: Enter the URL to where your Web
Proxy Auto-Detect file is located
Manual Proxy: Enter the URL and port number for
your proxy server
If proxy authentication is required, you can enter your
username and password in the appropriate fields.
Creating a Lost & Found Message This feature allows you to create a message that will
appear on the IronKey Unlocker window. In the event
that you lose your IronKey, someone can return it to
you if you provide your contact information.
Changing your device password
You can change your device password and option-
ally back it up online to your Online Security Vault at
Changing your password on a regular basis is a good
security practice. However, be especially careful to
remember your IronKey password.