Creating te bindings on lers – IBM 6 MPLS User Manual

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Specialized Models User Guide


MPLS Model User Guide

Modeler/Release 10.0


Creating TE Bindings on LERs

After you create the LSPs, FECs, and traffic trunks, you can create TE bindings
that govern which packets are sent to which LSPs. You do this in the LER’s
MPLS Parameters

Traffic Mapping Configuration attribute.

Procedure 6-6 Creating a TE Binding

1 Open the LER’s Traffic Mapping Configuration attribute dialog box (MPLS


Traffic Mapping Configuration).

2 Add a row to the table.

3 Click in the “Interface In” column and specify which interfaces the binding applies

to in the Interface Binding Specification table. To select an interface, click in the
Apply Binding column for that interface to toggle the value to “Yes.”

The interface(s) you selected appear in the Traffic Mapping Configuration dialog
box. Note that the interface number for higher layers corresponds to the router’s
loopback interface.

4 Select a FEC for the binding from the FEC pull-down menu.

5 Select a traffic trunk for the binding from the Traffic Trunk pull-down menu.

6 Click in the LSP column to specify the primary and backup LSPs.

End of Procedure 6-6