IBM Partner Pavilion TrackPoint User Manual
Page 23

Enabling Press-to-Select
When Press-to-Select is enabled, you can select an object by pressing
down on the top of the TrackPoint stick. Under the Press-to-Select
tab, place a check in the Enable Press-to-Select checkbox. The
Press-to-Select function also allows the enabling of Dragging and
Release-to-Select. To enable Dragging or Release-to-Select, place a
check in the appropriate checkbox.
Enabling Dragging
When this function is enabled, you can drag and drop with
Press-to-Select. Press down on the TrackPoint stick to grab the
object. Then, drag the object by moving the TrackPoint stick.
Drop the object by releasing the TrackPoint stick.
Enabling Release-to-Select
When this function is enabled, you can click simply by lifting
your finger quickly off the TrackPoint stick. Release-to-Select
can also help you make a double-click. When you move the
pointer onto an icon, and then lift your finger off the TrackPoint
stick, one click is made (Release-to-Select). Then, when you
press the TrackPoint stick again, the second click is made. The
result is a double-click.
You can use the slider to choose a comfortable pointer speed for
Part 1: Installation Instructions 1-17