2 oslock and osunlock, 3 horm, Oslock and osunlock – Intel TPC-1070 User Manual

Page 50: Horm

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TPC-1070 User Manual


5.3.2 OSLock and OSUnLock

The two utilities assist users to enable or disable EWF. Please go to Start
Menu-> All Programs-> Advantech. The default setting of EWF is dis-
abled. Users can protect C partition from any disk writing via OSLock
that is to enable EWF RAM REG Mode. In this mode, any changes on C
partition including modification on files or registry will be redirected to
memory, thus these changes will be discarded in the next system startup.

To exit this environment is via OSUnLock. Please visit MSDN website
for further information about EWF.

5.3.3 HORM

This is to create HORM environment. Please go to Start Menu-> All Pro-
grams-> Advantech. This utility firstly dismounts all local physical vol-
umes that are not protected by EWF. It requires users to input the volume

Please follow the steps before running this utility to create full HORM
Enable Hibernation via Power Options in Control Panel
Make C: partition EWF-enabled via OSLock
Make sure that all volumes to be dismounted are not in use.