Sco unixware driver installation, Overview, Installation – Initio INI-9100UW User Manual
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SCO UnixWare Driver Installation
The Initio SCO UnixWare device driver will support UnixWare 2.x. The
device driver is transferred from the floppy diskette to the hard drive where it is
loaded during system initialization.
The installation of Initio device drivers to support SCO UnixWare may be
found on the INITIO INI-9100U/9100UW DRIVER DISK 2.
Reference Documentation:
SCO UnixWare Installation Handbook.
SCO UnixWare System Owner Handbook
The SCO UnixWare drivers developed by Initio will be installed on the disk
drive used for system initialization. It is strongly suggested that the selected
procedure be read and understood before continuing with the system
configuration or change. Please read the instructions carefully.
Updating interrupts and hardware settings
The following interrupt configuration settings are suggested as the most
effective means of providing a controller interrupt to the host adapter: