The readme.txt file – Initio INI-9100UW User Manual
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Outside of the US and Canada, contact your authorized INITIO distributor. If you received your
INITIO hardware product as original equipment in a computer system, please contact that computer
manufacturer for technical support.
The following information is needed to assist in problem resolution.
Model type, serial number, and product description
Type and version number of operating system you are using. ( e.g., Windows 95)
Software driver product type and version number.
Motherboard BIOS version.
Location of purchase.
The README.TXT file on the INITIO INI-9100U/9100UW DRIVER DISK 1 contains important
information about last minute changes, updates and corrections to this manual. README is a standard
ASCII text file that may be read with any word processor or text editor.
To view the README file from the MS-DOS prompt:
Type the following command from the MS-DOS prompt:
C:\> type readme.txt | more
This will permit you to page down the file, one screen at a time to read the file.