Initio INI-9100UW User Manual
Page 102
Adding the Initio driver to an existing UnixWare system
1. Once a UnixWare session is established and a command prompt is ready,
type (recall that UnixWare is case sensitive):
cp /stand/unix /stand/ , press
pkgadd -d diskette1 , press
2. Select i910u ihv hba from the list of available host drivers, press
3. If the INI-9100U/9100UW is intended to be the bootable host adapter, the
next step to updating the driver will require a revision to the I910u file.
These instructions will guide you through changing the current software
settings for UnixWare to establish the INI-9100U/9100UW as the host
adapter for your boot device:
At the system command prompt, type
cd /etc/conf/sdevice.d
Use “vi” or another editor to modify the file I910u by adding a
locate the line $version2
edit the file by adding the line $static immediately
following $version2.
Rebuild the UnixWare kernel by completing the following steps at the
command prompt :
/etc/conf/bin/idbuild -B
cp /etc/conf/cf.d/unix /stand/unix
cd /
shutdown -g0 ( 0 is Zero )