English, Set supervisor/user password – GIGABYTE AMD Socket 754 Processor Motherboard GA-K8VT800M User Manual

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GA-K8VT800M Motherboard


CMOS Setup Utility -Copy right (C) 1984-2003 Aw ard Softw are

} Standard CMOS Features

} Adv anced BIOS Features

} Integrated Peripherals

} Pow er Management Setup

} PnP/PCI Configurations

} PC Health Status

} Frequency /Voltage Control

Load Fail-Safe Defaults

Load Optimized Defaults

Set Superv isor Passw ord

Set User Passw ord

Sav e & Ex it Setup

Ex it Without Sav ing

ESC: Quit

higf: Select Item

F8: Q-Flash

F10: Sav e & Ex it Setup

Change/Set/Disable Passw ord

Set Supervisor/User Password

When y ou selec t this function, the follow ing message w ill appear at the center of the s creen to

assis t y ou in creating a pass w ord.

Ty pe the pas sw ord, up to eight characters, and pres s . You w ill be asked to confirm the

pas sw ord. T y pe the pass w ord again and press . You may also press to abort the
selec tion and not enter a pass w ord.

To disable pass w ord, just press w hen y ou are prompted to enter pass w ord. A message

"PASSWORD DISABLED" w ill appear to confirm the passw ord being disabled. Once the passw ord is
disabled, the sy stem w ill boot and y ou c an enter Setup freely .

The BIOS Setup program allow s y ou to specify tw o separate passw ords:
SUPERVISOR PASSWOR D and a USER PASSWORD. When disabled, any one may access all

BIOS Setup program function. When enabled, the Superv isor passw ord is required for entering the BIOS
Setup program and hav ing full configuration fields, the User passw ord is required to access only basic

If y ou s elect "Sy s tem " at "Pas sw ord Check" in Adv anc e BIOS Features Menu, y ou w ill be

prompted for the passw ord ev ery time the sy stem is rebooted or any time y ou try to enter Setup Menu.

If y ou selec t "Setup" at "Passw ord Check" in Adv ance BIOS Features Menu, y ou w ill be prompted

only w hen y ou try to enter Setup.

Figure 11: Passw ord Setting

Enter Password: