System configuration, 26 system configuration 26 system configuration, Delay settings – Harman-Kardon DPR 1005 User Manual
Page 26

Figure 8
To change the setting for any of the four speaker
groups, press the
Navigation Button
o until
the cursor is next to the speaker group where you
wish to make a change and then press the
Navigation Button
o until the desired setting
appears. The available choices for low-frequency
information to be sent to the subwoofer, rather than
to the main speaker channel, are 40Hz, 60Hz, 80Hz,
100Hz, 120Hz and 200Hz. Pick the choice that is
identical to the information for the speakers, or if an
exact match is not possible, pick the closest choice
that is ABOVE the speaker’s low-frequency limit or
crossover point to avoid the creation of a low-
frequency “hole” where your system will have no
bass information.
The setting for the crossover point for the LFE chan-
nel, which is created to provide specific low-frequency
information in many movies with digital soundtracks,
may be set to match the crossover for any of the four
speaker groups. Since the crossover point commonly
used in the creation of the LFE channel is 120Hz, we
recommend that you select the speaker group whose
crossover point is closest to 120Hz. To do this, press
Navigation Button
o until the cursor
is next to the
LFE line, and then press the
Navigation Button
o until the name of the
speaker group with the desired crossover frequency
appears. Of course, you may also experiment with
different settings to find the one that provides the
smoothest and most complete bass response in your
particular listening environment.
When all crossover settings have been made, or in
those cases where none are needed, press the
Navigation Button
o so that the cursor is next to
BASS MGR line to make the final setting on
this menu.
This setting allows you to use the same speaker con-
figuration and crossover settings for all inputs, or to
have different settings for each input. In most cases,
the factory default setting of
GLOBAL will be
appropriate, as most systems do not need individual
speaker settings. However, when full-range front
speakers are used for both movies and music, differ-
ent bass management settings may be used when
listening to music through a CD player as opposed
to a movie from a DVD player, VCR or cable/satellite
To customize the speaker-size configurations to each
input, make certain that the MODE line of the
SPEAKER SETUP menu is set to SIZE,
and that the cursor is on the
BASS MGR line.
Press the
Navigation Button
o so that
INDEPENDENT appears in highlighted video.
When this choice is entered by exiting the menu, the
settings just entered will apply to the current input
ONLY, and you will need to go back to the
IN/OUT menu to select another input, and then
return to this menu page to change the settings for
the next input. Repeat the procedure for any input
where you wish to have a different set of speaker con-
figuration and crossover settings.
NOTE: The inidependent feature allows you to select a
different speaker size configuration (Large, Small or
None, as appropriate) for each input source. However,
the individual crossover point setting may only be set
once, and the selection made during the initial setup
will be used for all inputs, regardless of any changes
made to the “Large” or “Small” settings for the speaker
groups attached to any input. The reason is that while
you may prefer different settings for the bass redirec-
tion (that is, which signals go to the subwoofer or the
speaker group), the actual crossover point remains the
same since the actual loudspeakers themselves
remain the same regardless of any other setting.
When all speaker selections have been made, press
Navigation Button
o and then the Set
q to return to the MASTER MENU.
Delay Settings
Due to the different distances between the listening
position and each speaker position, the amount of
time it takes for sound to reach your ears from each
channel is different. You may compensate for this dif-
ference through the use of the delay settings to adjust
the timing for the speaker placement and acoustic
conditions in your listening room or home theater.
The DPR 1005’s advanced software enables you to
quickly and easily set delay times without the need to
calculate them using a complex formula. Instead, all
you need to do is measure the approximate distance
between your listening position and each of the
speakers in your system. When you enter those dis-
tances into the DPR’s memory as shown below, the
DPR’s microprocessor does the rest of the work, cal-
culating the proper delay time. The measurements
need not be accurate to the inch, as the system is
designed to accommodate a typical listening area
rather than require the precise measurement to one
“sweet spot” position.
In addition to adjusting the delay time for each individ-
ual speaker position, the DPR 1005 is among the few
receivers that allows you to adjust the delay for the
combined output of all speakers as a group. This fea-
ture is called A/V Sync Delay; it allows you to com-
pensate for delays to the video image that may be
caused by the processing in products such as digital
video displays, video scalers, digital cable or satellite
systems, or personal video recorders. With proper
adjustment of the setting for A/V Sync Delay, you can
eliminate the loss of lip sync that may be caused by
digital video applications.
Due to the differences between the way surround
modes operate, some modes allow for a greater range
of delay times than others. To avoid problems, we rec-
ommend that delay times be adjusted using the Dolby
Digital mode. If a different mode is selected at a later
time, the DPR 1005 will automatically select the
closest delay settings available for the surround
mode in use.
Delay times are adjustable only for the Dolby and DTS
modes, so you will notice that the DELAY menu
may not be accessed for other modes, such as Logic 7.
In addition, when a non-Dolby Digital mode such as
Pro Logic II is selected, adjustments may be made to
the Surround speakers only.
To set the delay time for a specific input, the
DELAY ADJUST menu (Figure 9) should be
visible on your on-screen display. If the system is not
already at that point, press the OSD Button
to bring up the MASTER MENU and press the
Navigation Button
o until the on-screen ➔
cursor is pointing at the DELAY ADJUST line.
Press the Set Button
q to call up the menu.
Figure 9
Once the DELAY ADJUST menu is on your
screen, note that the default for distance settings is in
feet. If your measurements are in feet, proceed to the
next step; if your measurements are made in meters,
press the
Navigation Button
o until the on-
screen ➔ cursor is at the UNIT line on the menu.
Then, press the
Navigation Button
o so
that METER is highlighted. When the change
in measurement units is made, press the
* D E L A Y A D J U S T *
F L : 1 2 f t S B R : 1 0 f t
C E N : 1 2 f t S B L : 1 0 f t
F R : 1 2 f t S L : 1 0 f t
S R : 1 0 F t S U B : 1 0 f t
U N I T :
A / V S Y N C D E L A Y : 0 m S
* * S P E A K E R S E T U P * *
M O D E : S I Z E
X - O V E R
L E F T / R I G H T :
1 0 0 H Z
C E N T E R :
1 0 0 H Z
S U R R O U N D :
1 0 0 H Z
S U R R B A C K :
1 0 0 H Z
L E F T / R I G H T
B A S S M G R :