Introduction – Honeywell HCM-2051 User Manual

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Thank you for purchasing a Honeywell Natural Cool Moisture


Humidifier. If you would like

more information on our full line of products please visit our website at:

H O W D O E S I T W O R K ?




Dry air is pulled through the Natural Cool Moisture


system and a quiet fan blows out

invisible, moisture-balanced air. Unwanted minerals and bacteria from the water are trapped
inside the Natural Cool Moisture


filter. When the unit is running you will not see or feel a

“mist”. You will know your humidifier is putting moisture into the air as you watch the water
level in your tank decrease throughout the day.

W H A T I S A g I O N ™ A N T I M I C R O B I A L ?

Your Honeywell Natural Cool Moisture


filter has been designed using new AgION™

technology which prevents surface growth and migration of mold, fungus, algae and bacteria
in the filter for its life - approximately one season. Keep in mind, depending on your water
quality, mineral deposits can still clog or discolor the filter, affect its life and that of the

M O D E L - H C M - 2 0 5 1

Your humidifier is made up of these parts:

Motor Housing

Water Tank

Fill Cap


Natural Cool




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